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Fun & Creativity


Making art is a hands-on activity that expands imagination and exercises creativity. It also develops small motor control, eye-hand coordination and sharpens children's powers of observation.


Music ignites all areas of child development and skills for school readiness, including intellectual, social-emotional, motor, language, and overall literacy. It helps the body and the mind work together. Exposing children to music during early development helps them learn the sounds and meanings of words.


Movement through play is one of the main ways that children learn, develop and grow. ... We play a lot at Milestones which strengthens your child's/preschooler's muscles and bones and gives him/her the chance to practice physical skills.


In preschool your child will be immersed in a world of formal and informal learning. Language skills are a critical ingredient for success, both in learning skills and concepts and in getting along with others.


Math is an important part of learning for children in the early years because it provides vital life skills. It will help children problem solve, measure and develop their own spatial awareness, and teach them how to use and understand shapes.

Outside Play

Outside play enables children to enjoy their natural surroundings and develop physical skills which are important for growth, coordination and movement of the body.  When children play outdoors they increase their ability

to balance, jump, climb,

throw, run and skip.

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